About Us

We find joy in the little things. It’s something we have learned over the years as we raise a family and face different seasons of life. Some seasons are rougher than others, with “the big things” becoming more of a struggle than anyone would wish them to be. But even in these rough seasons, you can always find joy in little things. Rain might ruin your plans, but that means there are puddles to jump in!

Mr. Bauble found himself suddenly unemployed in early 2024. But, in what seemed like a rather large rainstorm in our lives, we also found some puddles of opportunity to jump in. Mr. Bauble was now free to pursue a dream of his to start his own 3D printing business. We weren’t sure what he should be printing at first, but as we continued to find joy in little things, just those bits and bobs of life, we realized the perfect direction we could take would be to share this joy in little things with others.

Now, Mr. Bauble has his 3D printers set up each day to print some new bits of joy to share with others. Sometimes a print fails, the layers of filament are printed incorrectly, and the end result is a thing that does not resemble the intended bauble at all. We are tempted to be disappointed. Some prints can take 24 hours or more to finish! Looking at a tray full of otter keychains that should be the height of adorable and now resemble animals that could star in a horror film does make us feel like a bit more rain is falling on our heads. But then our little girls run into the printing room and squeal with delight because they know they get to keep any print that isn’t perfect. They are bouncing with joy and cuddling the newly named “zombie otters!” and we are reminded again why Bits, Bobs, and Baubles was started in the first place.

So, as you peruse our store and find all the whimsical things that fill it, we invite you to share in the little joys of life with us. These little bits, bobs, and baubles are meant to inspire smiles wherever you go, and whatever weather you are facing. Thank you for supporting our small family business! May you have more sunshine days with clear skies, and on the rainy days, may you find lots of puddles to jump in.

~Mr. Bauble, Mrs. Bauble, Oldest Bauble, Middle Bauble, Baby Bauble, and Evie the Goldendoodle.